Mind and Kink

Education and Resources to build intense, meaningful and fufilling relationships through cutting-edge brainwashing and deep consent.⭐START with an excellent Overview of my work by CLICKING HERE, then explore the links above for my consulting services and free resources.⭐Free Resources includes the Podcast (80+ episodes) covering Clicker Training, Brainwashing, Relationship Design and Ds, the Resources Folder, with Guides, Templates and Printables, and very much more.

Always, For ❤️

Contact: Signal (Preferred) ◦ Email


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First Steps

Subscribe to the Podcast - Click Here or search your Podcast Service for "Mind Kink - Really Good Sex and Erotic Hypnosis"Join the Mailing List - Click HereJoin the Discord Server - Click Here

Finding My Content

⭐START with an excellent Overview of my work by listen to an interview that I gave to Australia's National Broadcaster.The Interview - Click HereOr dive right in by checking out the Podcast directly or downloading a copy of the Resources Folder (using a computer is recommended).THE PODCASTThe Podcast - Click HereTHE RESOURCES FOLDERPrimary Download Link - The Resources Folder
Secondary (Torrent Link) - Monthly Snapshot. Use Transmission + this magnet link (Version 2024-10 Updated October 2024) to download.
With reluctance there is a Google Drive Link just in case the above two do not work - Backup Google Drive Link
EXCELLENT PODCAST EPISODESDirty Talking and Massive Orgasms - Sex
Female Orgasm – The 12 Types - Sex
Hour Long Orgasms or "Orgasms are a State of Mind" - Sex
The Two Requirements for Orgasmic Response - Sex
Identity vs Behaviour - Submissive Training
Third Person Speech Control and usage of Disassociation - Submissive Training
Anal Sex Training Improved- Submissive Training
How to Fix a Lowered Sense of Deservedness - Part 1 - Mental Health
Validation vs The Act - Very important for Men
Asexuality - Understanding the Formation and Presenting Solutions - Mental Health
A Super Simple Tool for Assessing the Health of Your Relationship - RelationshipPoly – Effective Techniques for Dealing with Jealousy - Polyamory

Contacting Me Directly

The next step is get in touch directly by sending me a message on Signal (strongly preferred) or via email.I offer a free 15 minute consultation where you can ask me anything you like, and I can give you advice and direction on the issues you might be having personally in dating, kink or your relationships. Or there might be an area of your life or relationships you'd like to enhance and deepen.The call is zero pressure and if I can't help you personally (very unlikely) then I can likely refer you to someone who can.If you're thinking about messaging me, you probably should ❤️You can message me on Signal - by clicking here - @speakwithdaniel.52Just send me a simple text message and I'll usually reply within a day wherever I am in the world.It is anonymous, free, encrypted and works internationally.Alternatively you can email me at [email protected]

A Little About the Author

He is a world renowned educator in HypnoKink, Kink, Submissive Training and Dominant Submissive Relationships for all walks of life and has taught packed classes on several continents.The Wordsmith has created a reputation for the intensity and originality of his work and it's focus on creating deep, profound and mutually fulfilling kink relationships involving genuine power exchange.His work is designed to be simple to use, highly applicable to daily life, and of particular interest to those searching for a deeper connection with their partner or partners.The Wordsmith has made substantial contributions to the broader community by cultivating open, honest, and inclusive conversations about kink and sexual identity.He travels frequently to teach and train, and currently resides in Adelaide, Australia. He spends a significant amount of time each year in England, Europe and the United States.He is a skilled Backpacker and enjoys baking, working in the mornings with a cup of tea and the windows open listening to the rain, and an endless reading list.

Erotic Hypnosis, Sex, BDSM and Relationship Coaching

❤️ I want to help you to design and live the Ds and Kink life of your dreams ❤️I offer coaching sessions to help you to enjoy a more fulfilling intimate and sexual life, and to enjoy connect more deeply with your partner or anyone who is worthy of your submission or dominance.These sessions involve coaching, hypnosis, conditioning and other techniques used to create only positive change.Topics can include anything related to your problem, but can commonly touch upon:Teaching skills for effective dating and finding, attracting and connecting with a high quality partner long term.Identifying and resolving any internal conflicts to enjoying sex, submission or dominance without guilt or shame.Helping to gain a deeper understanding of your roles and how to communicate your needs and boundaries effectively.The creation and installation of empowering belief systems around sex, dominance, submission or relationships.The resolution of past trauma, sexual trauma or otherwise. No topic is off limits.Teaching specific behaviours and creating new fetishes and positive addictions (to exercise, to sex or to connecting deeply)Designing and creating the ideal relationship to create space for you and your partner to enjoy any activity with mutual joy.

Common Questions

Can I work with you and stay Anonymous? How do you protect my Privacy?Absolutely, and easily. I need only a first name (can be fake), an email (can be an alias) and the location of your nearest major city or timezone (for scheduling appointments). Thats it. I significantly exceed the highest data and confidentiality standards, your anonymity is secure.What do you charge?
If you are in need of coaching or advice, contact me (details below) and I will put together a package of sessions to help you design the life and relationships of your dreams. I will take into account your financial situation, and you will not be turned away.
How long are the sessions?
90 minutes in length, and we will use all of it. You will be assigned prework so that the session can focus on actual changes.
How do I know this is real and it works?
If you check the "Reviews" page you will see from a small handful of dozens of Clients.
Are these sessions in person or online?
All sessions are conducted as audio calls, over Signal (Secure and Anonymous)
How do I pay you?
As I work with clients in the United States, Germany, Great Britain, Austria, Canada, Australia, Greece, Spain, Sweden and several other countries, I maintain bank accounts around the world. A simple domestic bank transfer means you can pay me in your preferred currency with no exchange fees.
Do I have to be an English Native Speaker?
No, as long as you can understand very basic (A1) English that is more than sufficient for the same results as a native speaker ❤️
Is there any topic or session I should not ask you to engage in?
Please do not ask me hypnotise your partner without their direct, explicit and informed consent.

Contacting Me using Signal (Preferred)

If you're thinking about messaging me, you probably should ❤️The best way to contact me is through Signal (https://signal.org/) as it is anonymous, encrypted and free.Texting will receive a reply within one day. Emails will receive a reply within a week.Click this link - @speakwithdaniel.52

Contacting Me using Email

Alternatively you can can email me at [email protected]Or use the Contact Form below:

Review - "Thank you for sharing your knowledge with the World" ❤️

Hi Daniel,I found you in the last few months and have now listened to most of your episodes.Wanted to let you know how thankful for your help in overcoming shame and guilt I have been.I would never be able to say outloud some of the things that I truly desire, tried your 12 fantasy technique, to write down the fantasy and the fears or concerns about it, and I have shocked myself with it, my husband is thrilled, and is always tortured by my inability to say anything outloud due to shame.You have helped me overcome a lot of my barriers, I am own biggest "cock-block" mostly caused by shame and with other information you have given me in other episodes you have changed my life. Thank-you for sharing your knowledge with the world.I also have a learning disability and am able to absorb your information easier than any other podcast, with the extra analogies and examples you give.Thanks friend,

Review - "What used to be something I had to work for with the aid of toys is now something I can just close my eyes and access at any time, for as long as I want." ❤️

(Client is a 52 year old woman on two separate anti-depressants who presented with difficulty experiencing orgasms, guilt around her submission.)There’s an old saying that goes: "when the Student is ready, the Teacher appears". That is exactly what happened when I stumbled across Daniel’s podcast and hypnosis files.For context, I’m a 52-year-old woman who was in the midst of a combined midlife crisis and burnout. I was on two different antidepressants, struggling to understand why I was always sabotaging myself in all areas of my life. For years, I had been wrestling with the harsh reality that my life was not turning out the way I had hoped. Every morning I woke up with a sense of dread, weighed down by the monotony and the feeling that I was trapped in a cycle of self-sabotage. I longed for change but felt powerless to initiate it. This feeling of being stuck was exacerbated by my burnout, which left me mentally and physically exhausted. I couldn't see a way out, and my antidepressants seemed to only take the edge off my despair rather than truly alleviating it. Despite countless efforts and DECADES of therapy, it felt like the best I could do was survive, and I was tired of it.I started listening to guided meditation and hypnosis files at night to help battle insomnia and anxiety. Soon, I realized there is a severe lack of good male hypnotists, specifically men who possess a pleasant voice and know how to use it to take the listener into a trance that is both pleasurable and therapeutic, in a positive behavioural change sense. One sleepless night, in a desperate attempt to find some solace, I started exploring podcasts and audio files that might offer some relief. That's when I discovered Daniel’s podcast. My fascination with hypnosis had been a private curiosity for a long time, and here was a man who spoke about these subjects with such clarity and respect that I felt immediately drawn to his content.His voice, deep and soothing, was unlike any other I had encountered. It was evident that he knew exactly how to guide a listener into a state of relaxation and introspection. He has a way of making you feel absolutely safe and absolutely seen. He was patient and kind, always encouraging me not to censor myself.From the beginning of our very first conversation, it was obvious how passionate he is about helping people heal and reach their fullest potential. When I asked to book a session with him, I never would have believed that it could have such an immediate and potent effect. I would stake my life on this – our sessions were more beneficial than YEARS of any clinical therapy I’ve had to date. Daniel took time to explain the mechanisms behind hypnosis and how it could help me address my deepest issues. He asked me to write down everything I wanted to work on, which in itself was a therapeutic exercise. For the first time, I was articulating my struggles and goals in a structured way. Daniel also provided me with pre-session preparation audios so that I could come to the session ready to dive in. These audios helped me to focus and set the stage for the work we were about to do. He was always positive, confident, and encouraging – and always concerned with giving me the most value he could.He had no personal agenda other than helping me.Even so, I was extremely nervous and agitated at the beginning of the first session. Would it actually work for me? Could I handle letting go and facing all the mess inside? Daniel knew just what to do – he was the voice in the dark that gave me the courage to let go of so much childhood pain, shame, and anger. His calming presence and expert guidance made it possible for me to trust the process. In that darkness, I learned to love myself for the first time. His words and guidance gave meaning to all the core belief visualizations. Most importantly, Daniel never pushed anything or crossed a single boundary. He put me completely at ease with a direct, non-judgmental style of communication that made it easy to speak candidly about incredibly intimate and emotional personal details. I had been carrying these burdens for so long that sharing them felt like a release. His approach was professional yet compassionate, making me feel understood and valued.Seriously, people pay thousands of dollars for Ayahuasca healing retreats in Peru to have the kind of life-altering experience that Daniel gave me with 90 minutes and a headset! I’ve come alive again; that’s the only way I can explain it. Working with Daniel and my own Unconscious Mind has woken up the version of me that I always hoped to be. I’ve been able to reconnect and repair friendships, provide a fully present ear to others, and offer insights that helped their own troubles. I can regulate myself emotionally without any effort. Best of all is the overwhelming sense of peace, joy, and gratitude for who I am and what I have.I am not kidding about this! The first time I came close enough to my old ruminations to feel pain, all my negative emotions suddenly drained away and were replaced by a sense of happiness and pleasure that steadily built into the most powerful, mind-melting bliss I’ve ever felt. An orgasm so strong that is has to be felt to be believed. Anyone who has experienced the sexual dysfunction side effects of antidepressant medications knows the struggle with loss of libido, sensation, and difficulty reaching orgasm. Frankly, I forgot my body could feel pleasure at all, let alone that intensely. What used to be something I had to work for with the aid of toys is now something I can just close my eyes and access at any time, for as long as I want.There are so many other small positive changes, it’s hard to list them all! I’m exercising, sketching, and laughing again. I dance in the kitchen and hug my friends and family. My stress level has dropped considerably. I was able to drop one SSRI and am titrating down on the other. After losing heart and isolating myself from everyone, I am once again enjoying the company of others. Now, I feel capable of authentically connecting in healthy, meaningful ways with the kinds of people who are right for me.Daniel, I can’t thank you enough for the privilege of working with you. You made it possible for me to not only have a second chance at life but to actually WANT that chance. You have helped me uncover parts of myself that I thought were lost forever. The light on my inner horizon has brightened, and I feel a renewed sense of purpose and direction. Your dedication and expertise have been a beacon in my darkest times, guiding me towards a life filled with hope, happiness, and fulfillment. I look forward to continuing this journey of self-discovery and healing, and to share it with as many people as I can. Thank you for helping me find the strength within myself to embrace life again.

Review - My Submissive Self used to be blocked by Guilt and Shame ❤️

(Sexually Submissive - Wanted to explore Erotic Hypnosis and find a Worthy Partner to share Herself with)In short, working with Daniel has been effective and fun. He’s a warm and caring individual with a strong moral center and a deep desire to make the world a better place by increasing the amount of love, joy, and connection. You can’t be in better hands, and I cannot recommend him highly enough.If it seems like I'm gushing, that’s because I am. Daniel rewrote my very Core in powerful and empowering ways, and always in service of my highest good. And, wow, does that make a difference! After working with Daniel, I’m less timid, less anxious, and more open and confident. I feel safer allowing myself to embrace who I am and be vulnerable, always with someone worthy. And my orgasms are So. Much. Better. Seriously, Daniel can accomplish more remotely than any man I've met in person can from the same room. No joke.If you've found Daniel and you're thinking about getting in touch, you absolutely should. He's exceptionally skilled, trust-worthy, and he will meet you where you're at without judgment. Working in partnership together (because it is absolutely a collaboration between the two of you), you'll be surprised at just how quickly you'll see results. Positive, permanent, empowering results. Results that extend over many areas of your life. That’s been my experience. I stumbled across Daniel online and made the best decision I've made in a long time. I reached out and got in touch.He’s an extremely talented and extensively knowledgeable hypnotist, and I felt safe with him from our first conversation. Which is saying something as I've long struggled with anxiety and trust issues, and actually had an honest to god panic attack on the phone with him during our first call. I was mortified, and under other circumstances would have likely ended the call abruptly and never called back, except for how very warm and understanding he was. He put me at ease and I had my first trance guided by his Voice (which is, by the way, not entirely unlike warm honey). The first thing he did was to address my anxiety, processing my nervousness for me, and creating space to address my needs and desires in an entirely new, healthier way.As a naturally submissive woman, I've been drawn to both hypnosis and BDSM for a long time; but I was blocked from exploring that side of myself by the corrosive effects of guilt and shame. It took finding Daniel for me to begin to acknowledge, accept, and even embrace myself, and it has been a truly transformative experience. To finally start to become comfortable in my own skin and mind. To be treated without judgment or scorn. To live with less fear and honest joy. These are all part and parcel of the positive changes I've undergone. I am not now the person I was a year ago, but I might just be the person I was always meant to be.As a direct result of the work we've done, I am learning just how very satisfying it can be to be of service. How exciting it is to be praised. How thrilling it is to be called a good girl. Every. Single. Time. I can't wait to find more ways to be of service to someone worthy of my submission, to make them happy, to make them smile. Because I love it. It makes me happy and gives me a thrill. I am hopelessly devoted. And it’s a joy I wouldn't have been able to allow myself before working with Daniel. He’s been very patient with me throughout this process. So very patient. And this journey has been . . . a revelation. Daniel is extraordinary. So much so that I think I'm beginning to understand worship. It's a totally natural progression. When I've run out of ways to say thank you. When words aren't enough. As they so often aren't.I've always been afraid of my feelings. That they were both too much and not enough. And Daniel makes it so easy.As a side note, although this wasn’t the express purpose of the hypnosis and conditioning Daniel performs, there were noticeable effects in other areas of my life, as well. Because part of the sessions that Daniel rewrote for me involved treating myself with the same love and kindness I show others and accepting that I was the only person responsible for my happiness, another natural progression of this process has been to look for and embrace opportunities to live these beliefs. For example, for the first time in my life I’m enjoying exercise. I’m motivated; taking better care of myself, and working on improving my health and wellness. For another example, I haven’t smoked in years. Most of the time it’s easy. Every once in a while the urge pops up again. Recently, I found myself thinking about bumming a cigarette after a stressful couple of days. A slippery slope I’ve slid down in the past. This time, when I was feeling tempted, I was reminded of Daniel, and I knew, immediately, the right thing to do. And it was easy.That’s the other thing. Change can be scary for everyone sometimes. But I was surprised by just how much this process hasn’t really felt like change at all. It felt like I was simply becoming more myself. And the process is inherently pleasurable, too.-G

Review - You are Amazing at what you do! ❤️

(Sexually Submissive - Struggled with acceptance of Submissive Desires and profound guilt)First of all, thank you Daniel. I know I've said it before but I will keep on saying it, I will never be able to say it enough. For as long as I can remember, I have struggled with my self-image. Had horrible thoughts about myself, quite honestly, I hated myself. Thinking back to how I used to feel is bringing me to tears as I write this. How could I look at myself that way? Why was I so unfair to myself? I don't know the answers to those questions but that's okay, they aren't important. What IS important, is that they have gone. Somehow Daniel, you've changed such an intrinsic part of me, for the better. I didn't believe it after the session, that the changes you put into motion would actually happen, that they would stick. I do now though. I've accepted them as truth, my new reality. My acceptance took a while but here is my journey.You have changed my life. I will forever be grateful to you for that. I'm someone that is experienced with hypnosis and familiar with hypnotherapy. I went into this session knowing that real changes can be made, but also doubting how well things would work for me. When I've tried to make positive changes with hypnosis in the past, small positive changes had occurred, briefly, until they became overwhelmed by the negativeness that I was trying to combat. This time was different. You know what you are doing. You don't just know the techniques, you understand them, you are able to craft such a masterpiece from all of your knowledge and experience. The session that we had together was truly amazing.The day of the session I was hopeful, but reluctant to believe anything had truly changed. I was scared of believing it had worked, in case it hadn't. I didn't want to get my hopes up. I did as you said and took the time to speak to my unconscious multiple times throughout the day. The first time I was filled with a warm glow of positive energy, the second time that feeling grew, and the third time... the third time she answered me. I love her and she loves me. The craziest thing of all is that I love myself. I still can't believe that I'm saying that truthfully. I love myself.The changes you helped me create have been tested. Since our session I've been changing my antidepressants and my general mood has fallen through the floor. Yet, despite my worsening symptoms of depression, none of the negative thoughts turned towards myself. Previously when my depression spiked I got intense negative thoughts about myself, but this time that hasn't happened. Even when I'm doubting everything in my life, I can still genuinely say that I love myself and it blows my mind.So, once again, thank you Daniel. That acceptance of myself has had a really lovely unexpected effect. I'm finding myself naturally choosing to do things that are good for me. The healthier lifestyle I've been trying to lead - changing my diet and upping my exercise, the better decisions have started to come naturally. I keep on noticing little changes that are happening, new and exciting moments that
fill me with hope for the future and leave me smiling for the rest of the day. For the first time in what feels like forever, I can look at myself and see the good where before I only saw the bad.
You are amazing at what you do, you should be proud of the difference that you make to the lives of so many people.-E

Review - There's just no more Pain ❤️

(Submissive with Chronic Pain from Intense Periods, that was referred by a Submissive Friend of Hers that I worked with.)A little while after we started our sessions, I mentioned to you how much I was struggling with my period. I’ve always had heavy periods, the sort that leave me unable to do much of anything for days. A couple of months ago I found a solution to the heavy bleeding, a godsend that I’m annoyed my Doctors didn’t suggest sooner. These pills have meant I have the energy to do things, but the cramping and the pain, they made that worse. I mentioned this to you, in passing. We had just started doing sessions together and I had started my period and was complaining about the pain. Then you go and say something interesting like you always do, about being able to use orgasms to counteract period cramps, something to do with the muscles being contracted and the pleasure felt from orgasm.Like most things you tell me, I was in disbelief at what you said. I believed it was possible, I have more than enough reason to trust what you say at this point, but I didn’t truly believe it until I saw, or rather, felt it. You gave the suggestion for me to internally orgasm at the site of my period pains when they happened, so that the cramps would be counteracted and I wouldn’t be in pain. Or something like that anyway. You gave this gift to me during our session on the last day of my period, so I remained doubtful that it would work. The idea of not being affected by my period hardly at all was too good to be true. Like most things with you, I didn’t want to get my hopes up. Then came the waiting… a whole month. My period started, I took my pills, the first day came and went, and nothing.Not that surprising as the first day is normally a gentle one for me. The days passed, my period ended and I hadn’t been in pain once! I still can’t believe it. I felt the physical movement of the cramping on occasion but there was no pain, not even really any discomfort, just knowledge that they were happening. A whole 5 day period with no pain. I’ve had cramps in the past, on a regular basis, that left me curled up in bed with a stuffie I can put in the microwave or a hot water bottle, for hours on end. You leave me in awe again and again and again. I had a period with no pain. It feels a bit like a dream, but it happened, it really happened. Thank you. Between you helping with the pain and these pills that reduce my blood flow to a normal amount, i’m finally able to live properly again. Up until the beginning of the year I spent a quarter of my life curled up in bed barely able to do anything, thinking this was going to be my reality until my periods stop. You’ve changed that, made me able to do things again during my period without worry of pain and cramping. Amazing. You are amazing-E

Review - How Incredibly Satisfying it is to Have Made a Connection With You ❤️

Daniel, my apologies, I’ve been traveling out here in the great Southwest over the past few days.Yes, I am extremely happy with the results so far, based on the changes I’ve been observing in my thoughts and responses, or when I notice that something doesn’t bother me now that would have earlier.Because I have been so wrapped up in my work, and haven’t had a chance to test everything out, obviously, I realize there will be much more to come “around the corner”.I hope I can convey my sentiments adequately so that you will understand just how incredibly satisfying it is to have made a connection with you - a person so deeply knowledgeable and well-intentioned who I feel completely comfortable with and trust to consult for advice to guide this important part of my life. I feel that your work is just as important to the human body as a physician’s - as your work is centred not just on having a healthy body but for it to be able to used to its fullest potential to provide pleasure, allowing one to revel in enjoying the passage of time.And your guidance for pursuing pleasure with the absence of guilt or shame as most highly needed, oh, I don’t know, for world, peace, and happiness, and all that stuff, as important as any advice that could be provided by a priest or rabbi in just learning to be completely happy.Playing in the background of my mind is the Beatles’, “all you need is love”. I think that pretty well sums everything up.I think it’s fantastic you have made so many resources available to support your sessions.Now with a little more time this week between sessions than we normally have, I’m looking forward to reading through more of it, as well as the book and other material.I am pleased I have found this amazing opportunity to allow you to “hold my hand along the way” and to have the benefit of your encouragement while I explore this new chapter. I applaud the day that you made the decision to turn toward devoting your life to provide education to others to enlighten them on the ways they can get so much more out of being alive.To have discovered you out there in the great wilderness is an awesome and joyous thing, indeed.-P

Review - You Have to Do This, You Deserve It ❤️

I could not recommend him more highly. You deserve this!Getting in touch with Daniel after listening to a number of his podcasts is one of the best decisions I have ever made. A woman in her 60s, I spoke to Daniel about two issues which had been disturbing me for well over a decade. I had done my own personal research and worked for a time with two psychologists about my concerns with only limited success. I knew well enough that there was emotional neglect in my childhood that had led to codependent behaviours, and that these had been affecting my Ds relationships, but it didn't ease feelings of inadequate self-worth and how to effectively create boundaries. Aware of Internal Family Systems, there was a part of me not fully integrated. Daniel was patient with me, caring and he was completely without judgment. Under hypnosis I was instantly comfortable and after even one session, the results were outstanding. I walked much lighter immediately. In only two sessions we accomplished what would have taken months of work in any other way. There was a recognizable and permanent shift in my sense of wellbeing which then allowed us to look at my marriage.*Daniel is not only an extremely skilled therapist but also a highly knowledgeable person in all areas related to kink. As a sexually submissive woman, I asked for Daniel's help to transform what had become an unsatisfying marriage back into one where my submissive sexual orientation could be expressed. Daniel has an innate understanding of the foundational work that may need to take place before a relationship problem can be resolved. He was excellent at also working with my Husband to create a dynamic that we were both excited about going forward. He's an extremely enthusiastic and committed hypnotist who held us with proficient care when we were at our most vulnerable, creating lasting and wonderful changes in our lives.UPDATE: P.S. What an oversight! I can't leave without saying what a BLAST it was to know that I was capable of coming on demand. I/We had that after that final, very excellent trance. It was mind blowing, one of life's highs. There's a greedy part to me, I know this. I know what great sex is, and I want it.So, an enormous thank you.-RSIX MONTH FOLLOW UPThere’s no need to respond, but I very much want you to know how happy I am, how calm and peaceful inside I feel. I have learned so much lately, it all just fell into place. I was so meant for this.THANK YOU 🙏It’s fascinating how things came together. I really did listen to the things you said to me about my behaviour. It definitely gave me to pause and think. And then at the same time he was getting very stern with me, creating rules, talking about consequences, testing, having me compile what he said into a list for the Agreement. I realised he was actually right. My emotional outrages were causing trouble. There were better ways to handle issues.And yesterday we walked to lunch together and he said to me it reminded him of us in our trip to Japan and I had that "dreamy, empty mind, floating thing" about me. And that’s true! I sleep much deeper, I feel happy and so calm and peaceful, all the more so when he lays down the law. I guess you might say, I feel safe and secure.

Review - Helping Me To Explore My Submissiveness ❤️

Sometimes you meet people at the right time who can help you in your own development, in the most unlikely situations. If I hadn't been looking for an interesting podcast on my cell phone out of boredom last September, I would never have come into contact with Daniel.I had been interested in hypnosis and BDSM for a long time. Both had become increasingly fascinating to me over time. Daniel's podcast was just right for me. At the same time, I really liked his voice. There are only a few men on the internet who speak high quality BDSM hypnosis. And unfortunately I prefer male voices to female voices (sorry sisters).So one day, I did something I had never done before: I got in touch!
Daniel asked me if I would be interested in a free, no-obligation phone call. After a few technical difficulties and misunderstandings (English is not my native language), it happened.
Due to experiences in my family of origin, I had a "pain box" (as I called it) in which I had packed all the negative feelings I couldn't deal with in my childhood. In all my adult years, I never had the courage to open this box. With Daniel's help, I managed to open and empty it under hypnosis in only one session. And as Daniel promised me, to this day it has not closed again or filled up with new pain. On the contrary: bright light now shines from this box. This means everything to me.In another important session, I was able to move the "huge walls" that I felt surrounded by into the distance, so that they can now only be seen as a distant mountain range. Since no one's soul (inner life) should be without protection, Daniel helped me to erect a "fence" around me and my "front garden". At the beginning, this fence had no door. I just couldn't manage to "set one up". With his help, I managed to leave this garden through a door, which was another hugely important step for me. It meant that I could finally let in the right person, rather than pushing everyone away.Moving the "huge walls" and creating a door in my garden fence, as well as opening the door and walking through it, had a liberating effect on me!I had previous therapy experience and can confirm that Daniel knows what he is doing professionally and also has high therapeutic ethics.Daniel never pushed me in any particular direction. It didn't always go as smoothly as it might sound now, but he was always respectfully patient, confident and my trust in him grew noticeably on this journey. Even the time difference - we live on different continents - or my lack of English was never a problem.In the meantime, I was able to get involved in a BDSM session with a real person. I only told Daniel about it later. He is currently helping me to better understand my "submissiveness", to communicate my boundaries and desires, and only with dominant men who are worthy of my trust!I don't know how I will develop further, but for a long time I had the feeling that I was stuck in my life. And I'm grateful to him that this has now changed. The light on my inner horizon has become brighter at a time when it seems to be getting darker in the real world.-M


NOTE: A note that older content may not reflect my current views. Opinions are opinions and they change with new evidence ❤️ALL RESOURCESThe Podcast
The Interview - ❤️
The Resources Folder - Backup Google Drive Link
The Mailing List
Audio - Non Sexual Bedtime Stories
Audio - Erotic Hypnosis Sessions
Discord Server - Experimental
The Digital Garden - Experimental
FREE WORKSHOPSWorkshop - Train Your Partner Using Behavioural Modification and Erotic Hypnosis
Workshop - Maximum Effect Scene Construction and Execution
Workshop - Ds Relationship Design Part 1
Workshop - Ds Relationship Design Part 2
Workshop - Basics of Brainwashing
EXCELLENT PODCAST EPISODESDirty Talking and Massive Orgasms - Sex
Female Orgasm – The 12 Types - Sex
Hour Long Orgasms or "Orgasms are a State of Mind" - Sex
The Two Requirements for Orgasmic Response - Sex
Identity vs Behaviour - Submissive Training
Third Person Speech Control and usage of Disassociation - Submissive Training
Anal Sex Training Improved- Submissive Training
How to Fix a Lowered Sense of Deservedness - Part 1 - Mental Health
Validation vs The Act - Very important for Men
Asexuality - Understanding the Formation and Presenting Solutions - Mental Health
A Super Simple Tool for Assessing the Health of Your Relationship - RelationshipPoly – Effective Techniques for Dealing with Jealousy - Polyamory

Resources in Detail

THE PODCASTPrimary Link - The Podcast or Search for "Mind Kink" on your podcast host.
80+ long-form discussions on conditioning, clicker training, relationship design, behaviour modification, mental health, brainwashing, poly, erotic hypnosis and more.
THE INTERVIEWPrimary Link - The Interview
I gave an interview to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Australia's National Broadcaster. It covers an outline of my work and provides an introduction to me and the passion I have for this topic. It's a lot of fun ❤️
THE RESOURCES FOLDERPrimary Download Link - The Resources Folder
Secondary (Torrent Link)(Experimental) - Monthly Snapshot. Use Transmission + this magnet link (Version 2024-10 Updated October 2024) to download.
With reluctance there is a Google Drive Link just in case the above two do not work - Backup Google Drive Link
The Resources Folder contains:🥰 Multiple Free Workshops and Classes
🥰 All the Podcast Episode Notes
🥰 Every Podcast Episode
🥰 Dozens of Brainwashing Sessions
🥰 Dozens of Non-sexual Bedtime Stories
🥰 The (Prototype) Script Library
🥰 Multiple Reading Lists and Guides
🥰 Shorter Lessons on interesting topics
NOTE: It is over 1 GB and you will need to use your computer, not your phone, to download this.THE MAILING LISTPrimary Link - The Mailing List
Join the no-spam list to receive an email when I am teaching a class or releasing new content.

Currently Seeking

I am currently seeking:❤️ A long term adventure partner
🤝 Professional Contacts and like minded people for conversation
🥼 Subject matter experts / with experience for the development of new techniques and topics
🎨 A Muse
🔬 Research Subjects / Practice Partners for the development of new techniques and topics
🏡 People who could host me while in Europe or the UK
🎧 Assistance with audio mastering (paid)
🚧 Assistance with website design (paid)
If you feel as though you you are interested, please message me anonymously on Signal (PREFERRED)
Or you can email me email me or using the details on the Contact Page.
A LONG TERM ADVENTURE PARTNERIf you are reading this then the position is still open.I am currently seeking an adventure partner, for a more detailed description there will be a PDF in the Resources Folder. The message I was sent, I have included below as an example. For Submissives wishing to petition a Dominant, it's an excellent one to emulate.I was freecamping in the Scottish Highlands at the time and by the time I was back in phone range, they'd deleted their account. If this is from you, definitely get in touch.MESSAGE BEGINSHello 🌞Are you currently looking for a submissive?I had to add a question because you said to only email you fan mail, and I am sorry for disobeying you- but this is kind of fan mail…I am usually good at following instruction. However, I read that you reply with a voice message. I find your voice mesmerising, so I decided to message you here instead.It is intoxicating to find someone who has made peace with themselves and their desires & decided to make their dreams their reality.I am only 3/4 of the way through your podcast on the basics of submissive training. I am very impressed. You are the perfect amount of serious, sexy, hilarious and assertive. I may not agree with every single thing you say, but I adore the way your mind works; the subtle hints of ASMR you use; the sound of your voice; the way that you have an Australian accent when you pronounce the O’s and and American accent when you pronounce your A’s; every little specific way you choose to present yourself in your podcast.I’m very new to D & S relationships. I haven’t quite found my Dom, as I am very specific and have a strong idea on exactly what I want. I have noticed that if I specifically outline what I want in a dom, some doms can feel annoyed/intimidated and don’t think I’m enough of a sub. However, if I was to find the right Dom, I would be 100% willing and able to surrender into their hands entirely.Listening to your podcast has made me realise that I would be ideal for you.I’m sure you get this all the time and I will be okay with rejection, but I just thought I’d put it out there:I would love to get to know you and see if we could bring pleasure into each other’s lives.Let me know what you think❤️
Warm Regards,
MESSAGE ENDSSUBJECT MATTER EXPERTSIt is nice to be able to talk about consensual slavery, clicker training, erotic hypnosis etc with other professionals in the field, if this is you then I'd love to hear from you, simply to talk about the passion and the work.My work is wide ranging and if you have any experience in the following areas, please do get in touch: Phlebotomy, Piercing, Tattooing, Psychology, Pharmacology, LSD and Hallucinogenics, administration of substances intravenously etc, behaviourism, military conditioning, professional bodybuilding or calisthenics, sheepdog training, or any related field.A MUSEI pretty much always am inspired by actual people, and the slot of Muse is currently open. If this is you, then I'd love to hear from you.RESEARCH SUBJECTS / PRACTICE PARTNERSI am developing a number of cutting-edge techniques for training, consensual slavery and relationship design. If you would like to help me, or be involved in that and contribute to a Mastermind-style group, then do get in touch.PEOPLE WILLING TO HOST WHILE TRAVELLINGI teach and travel internationally and often. If you are located in Europe or in the UK and would like to host me for a few days or longer, I'd really appreciate that. I am an excellent houseguest, and can provide references. I've made some of my best lifelong friends this way, and I'm more than happy to teach private classes for you on more intense topics.ASSISTANCE WITH AUDIO MASTERINGI could really use a hand with audio production. This is a paid position and would be very basic. Please get in touch with a link to your portfolio if you are interested.ASSISTANCE WITH WEBSITE DESIGNAs you can see the site is very basic, if you have experience with Carrd, Static Site Generators and Hosting, or Wordpress, please get in touch with a link to your portfolio if you are interested.. This is a paid position.

Thank You

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