The major components – the podcast, the resources folder, the discord server, etc – are all obvious. In addition there are several separate projects. All ongoing and completed projects are located in the Resources Folder in a clearly labelled subfolder.
The Script Collection – (Ongoing)
Includes a selection of scripts plus a simple and open methodology for generating, modifying and recording your own erotic hypnosis scripts and audio files, primarily centred around creating fun, soothing and engaging content for you own intimate partner to enjoy.
Never underestimate how much it can mean to someone to have a ten minute recording of someone they love telling them nice things.
The Educational Hypnokink Archive – (Ongoing)
A huge percentage of information about hypnokink uses closed and proprietary formats, is of limited circulation, and unfindable within two years of publication due to defunct websites, closed down discord servers, etc. This project preserves freely available historical and archival information on HK and directly related topics for the purpose of reference and scholarly research.
The Open Brainwashing Project – (Under Construction)
A modular, invasive, effective, open and transparent brainwashing system. Designed for the installation of profound, positive and permanent changes (both highly sexual and general life) only in alignment with your highest good. Safety mechanisms built in, in the form of sensible defaults, repeatable builds, open and transparent content and design documents, and fundamental architecture changes to prevent common pitfalls, traps and accidental misuse, amongst others. When finished will include precompiled content and all source documents as well as required instructions for modifying and customisation.
The HypnoKink Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Project – (Under Construction)
My attempt to conclusively and expansively answer the most common questions in HypnoKink, providing a broad base of knowledge upon which the HypnoKink “Community” can begin to finally begin to move beyond asking the most basic questions over and over again.
The HypnoKink Community Improvement Program – (Under Construction)
A set of simple and practical structures for creating communities designed to foster contribution, creativity and the uplifting of the art.